вторник, 14 октября 2014 г.

Скрипт перемещения нескольких виртуальных машин на основе критерия их местоположения

Простой скрипт, который позволяет мигрировать набор виртуальных машин (их конфигурацию и диски) с одного СХД  и сервера на другой, основываясь на их текущем положении и названии.

К примеру, у нас есть наименованные по стандарту VM какого-либо проекта (в данном случае имена  содержат *HYD*) и нам известна конечная точка, куда их надо перетащить.

Порядок работы скрипта следующий:

1. Получили массив имён нужных нам VMs;
2. Получили имя хоста виртуализации на который будем двигать VMs в переменную;
3. Берём из массива конкретную VM и находим её местоположение, сравниваем с целевым, если текущее положение VM не равно целевому, то делаем операцию Move.
4. Спим 5 секунд.

Работает для Windows Server 2012 (R2) и SCVMM 2012 R2

Write-Host "Version 1.0" -Foreground Green
Write-Host " "
Write-Host " "
Write-host "!WARNING!" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "During current procedure of moving VMs to a destination host" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "all VMs would be turned off. Migration may take a lot of time" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Make sure that you choose a maintenance window for the migration process" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "to avoid an impact with SLA of all services that are under migration" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host " "
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "INFORMATION" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "The script will ask you to provide several params for execution." -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Enter all data during input procedure according to template design to avoid different 'shit happens' situations" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Be carefull during this phase, because there's no protection from badly shaped hands and idiots in this script" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host " "
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "Techdiving.pro"
Write-Host "2014"
#-------------------Getting Required User Input---------------
Write-Host " "
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "Prepare to enter required data!" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "-------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host " "
#Get VMs-identification info
$VMNameTemplate = Read-Host "Enter some letters or numbers that will allow to identify required VMs (Template:*Identifier*)"
#Get Target location
$TargetLocation = Read-Host "Enter Targeted Location (format should be the following Template: D:\Path)"
#Get a Target host name
$TargetHost = Read-Host "Enter target virtualization host name (FQDN)"
#Getting all VMs that are in the scope of seach
$VMsArray = Get-SCVirtualMachine  | where-object {$_.Name -like $VMNameTemplate}
     Write-Host "Following VMs were discovered:" -Foreground YELLOW
     Write-Host "------------------------------" -Foreground YELLOW
FOREACH ($VM in $VMsArray)
     Write-Host $VM.Name -Foreground YELLOW
#Setting up target host
$vmHost = Get-SCVMHost | where { $_.Name -eq $TargetHost}
#Starting to work with VMsArray
FOREACH ($VM in $VMsArray)
     $VMLocationArray = Get-SCVirtualMachine -Name ($VM).Name
        FOREACH ($VMLocation in $VMLocationArray)
             #Getting Location Path for the VM and trimming it
             $VMLocation = $VM.Location
             $VMLocation = $VMLocation.TrimEnd($VM.Name)
             #Compare results with $TargetLocation
             IF ($VMLocation -eq $TargetLocation)
                     Write-Host $VM.Name " do not require migration" -Foreground GREEN
                     #Migration execution
                     Write-Host " "
                     Write-Host " "
                     Write-Host $VM.Name " is undermigration" -Foreground YELLOW
                     Sleep 2
                     Write-Host " "
                     Write-Host $VM.Name " is under shutdown process" -ForegroundColor RED
                     Sleep 2
                     Stop-SCVirtualMachine -VM $VM -Shutdown | out-null
                     Write-Host " "
                     Write-Host $VM.Name  "Shutdown is Completed" -ForegroundColor Green
                     Sleep 2             
                     Write-Host " "
                     Write-Host $VM.Name  "Starting migration..." -ForegroundColor Green
                     Sleep 2
                     Move-SCVirtualMachine -VM $VM -VMHost $vmHost -Path $TargetLocation -UseLAN -RunAsynchronously -UseDiffDiskOptimization | out-null
                     Write-Host " "
                     Write-Host "Waiting for the end of the job... monitoring of the Migration Job status will be started in 5 sec" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                     sleep 5
                     $Status = Get-SCJob | Where-Object {($_.ResultName -eq $VM) -and ($_.Status -eq "Running")}
                     While ($Status -ne $Null)
                         #Write-Host "." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                         sleep 5
                         $Status = Get-SCJob | Where-Object {($_.ResultName -eq $VM) -and ($_.Status -eq "Running")}
                         $CounterTime ++
      $CounterTime = $CounterTime * 5 / 60
      Write-Host " "
      Write-Host "Starting VM..." -ForegroundColor Green
      Start-SCVirtualMachine -VM $VM
      Write-Host " "
      Write-Host "Migration of the Current VM took ~ " $CounterTime " minutes" -ForegroundColor Green
      Write-Host " "
      Write-Host "Awaiting 5 sec. to start another process to spread migrations"
      sleep 5
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------------------- " -Foreground GREEN
Write-Host "All Ops were being completed" -Foreground GREEN

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